For Undocumented Migrants’ Rights in Central Europe


Year: 2012-2014

Project coordinator: Ioana Pal

Legal counsellor: Irina Ciotir


The For Undocumented Migrants’ Rights in Central Europe project focuses on monitoring the implementation and enforcement of provisions of the Directive 2009/52/EC (providing for minimum standards on sanctions and measures against employers of illegally staying third-country nationals). The project is funded by the European Programme for Integration and Migration- EPIM in Poland, Czech Republic, Romania, Slovakia and Hungary between 1st September 2012 and 31st December 2014.

The lead partner of the project is Association for Legal Intervention (SIP) – Poland

The NGO partners simultaneously conduct research on techniques of directive implementation, the current legal framework and its compliance with EU law. Free legal assistance is also provided to undocumented migrant workers and migrants threatened with irregularity due to the labour market restrictions with the ultimate goal of bringing strategic cases to courts and administrative bodies.

The data gained through this work will be summarised and relevant recommendations shall be communicated to the relevant national and EU authorities, in the hope that the experience of Central Europe is being taken into consideration in future amendments to EU law.

It is hoped that this project will lead to the creation of a network of NGOs from the Central European region that is dedicated to the exchange of experiences and good practices.

Click on the picture to find out more about our available assistance and services for undocumented migrants



If you are a NON – EU CITIZEN IN ROMANIA and want to find out more about employment click here.

migrants rights


If you are an UNDOCUMENTED NON- EU WORKER IN ROMANIA and you find yourself in one of the following situations:   

You did not receive your salary

You are discriminated by your employer

You are paid below the minimum wage

You are a minor or victim of human trafficking

You were issued a return decision and have to leave Romania but you did not receive your salary

You want to recover unpaid wages but you don’t know how

You are abused or exploited by your employer

click on the picture 

Know Your Rights 415x181 Grey

An analysis of the transposition of the Directive 2009/ 52/ EC providing for minimum standards on sanctions and measures against employers of illegally staying third-country nationals in Romania is available here

Year: 2012-2015

Title:  Promoting the image of Third Country Nationals in Romania and efficient solutions to foster their integration process into the Romanian society

Project applicant: ARCA- Romanian Forum for Refugees and Migrants

Project partner : AidRom – The Ecumenical Association of Churches in Romania

Sponsor: The European Commission and The General Inspectorate for Immigration

General Programme: “Solidarity and management of the migratory flows.” European Integration Fund,Annual Program 2012

The objective of the project is to offer integrated services and assistance to facilitate Third Country Nationals’ access to their socio-economic rights and cultural life in Romania, as well as promote and improve their image into the Romanian society.

To get a clear view of the available services and assistance provided to migrants in Romania click on the pictures below

           in lb  romana                           in English                            en Francais 

Ro 1     Eng 1    Fr 1

 Check out our ARCA Migrants Club on Facebook


Promoting the image of Third Country Nationals in Romania and efficient solutions to foster their integration process into the Romanian society

ComiX4=Comics for Equality

Year: 2012-2014

Title:   ComiX4= Comics for Equality

Project applicant: Africa e Mediterraneo (Italy)

Project partner : ARCA- Romanian Forum for Refugees and Migrants, Mondo (Estonia), Workshop for Civic Initiatives Foundation (Bulgaria),and Grafiskie stasti (Latvia).

Sponsor:  The Fundamental Rights and Citizenship Programme of the European Union

The project aims to foster intercultural dialogue to combat racism, xenophobia and discrimination in Europe, with a particular focus on Italy, Bulgaria, Estonia, Romania and Latvia. In order to achieve this aim, the project seeks to involve migrants and second-generation immigrants – often the subjects of discrimination – in the creation of an artistic resource – comics – to be used to combat racism and xenophobia. 

The main activities are the ComiX4= Comics for Equality Award – a competition for the best unpublished comic strip authors with migrant backgrounds, an interactive website (, a “Comics Handbook” for creative workshops in informal education, an itinerant exhibition and comics’ workshops across Europe.

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ARCA Migrants’ Club, Facebook Page

Dear friends:Now “ARCA Migrants’ Club” have a Facebook page, you can find all of update news about club activities here,

Also we will add some info regarding Romania history. geography. tourism & info about integration rules and any other information that any migrants in Romania may need them.

If you like to join or share this page with your friends, it’s enough to sending below link, they will lead directly to ARCA Migrants club Facebook page:


Human Rights and Democracy workshop in ARCA Migrants’ Club

2012-12-08 15.39.22

For the first time “ARCA Migrants Club” introduced to young migrants present at the meeting the fundamental human rights and democracy concepts in a 5 hours’ workshop organized by the club coordinator – ALIREZA together with our dear colleague Diana Trifu.
Comments and views focused on fundamental human rights expectations,duties and related concepts. Further seminars on this topic may be considered in order to achieve even more information for a larger group of migrants, starting January 2013.

ARCA Migrants Club on Facebook:

Comnicat lansare Proiect “Promovarea imaginii RTT şi soluţii eficiente în vederea integrării acestora în societatea românească”

Programul General: “Solidaritatea si gestionarea fluxurilor migratorii”

Fondul european de integrare a resortisantilor tari terte, Programul anual 2011

Proiect: “Promovarea imaginii RTT şi soluţii eficiente în vederea integrării acestora  în societatea românească”.

Beneficiar: ARCA – Forumul Român pentru Refugiaţi şi Migranţi

Partener: AIDRom – Asociaţia Ecumenică a Bisericilor din România



Organizatia ARCA-Forumul Român pentru Refugiaţi şi Migranţi (ARCA-FRRM) în parteneriat cu Asociaţia Ecumenică a Bisericilor din România – AIDRom vă invită la lansarea oficială a  proiectului european cu  titlul „ Promovarea imaginii RTT şi soluţii eficiente în vederea integrării acestora  în societatea românească”.

Obiectivul general al proiectului îl reprezintă facilitarea integrării resortisanţilor ţărilor terţe (RTT) cu drept de şedere în România prin oferirea de asistenţă socio-ecomonică şi educaţională precum şi prin promovarea şi îmbunătăţirea imaginii acestora în societatea românească.

Activităţile desfăşurate au ca scop îmbunătătirea imaginii resortisanţilor ţărilor terţe în Romania prin intermediul unei ample campanii media şi sensibilizarea societatii civile cu privire la grupul tinta,  precum şi oferirea de asistenta materiala, consiliere şi asistenţă juridică şi socială gratuită acestei categorii de persoane.

De asemenea,  se vor organiza cursuri de  limba românǎ,  cursuri vocaţionale avand ca scop deprinderea unor aptitudini profesionale, iniţierea utilizării computerului, asistenţa prioritară pentru cazurile vulnerabile (bătrâni, copii, femei, familii monoparentale, persoane cu dizabilităţi etc.).  Proiectul urmăreşte facilitarea accesului la piaţa muncii, la educaţie, la o locuinţă, la cunoaşterea limbii române contribuind, astfel, la o mai bună integrare în societatea românească.

Conform datelor statistice ale Inspectoratului General pentru Imigrări la data de 30.06.2012, în România se aflau înregistraţi cu drept de şedere un număr de 57.259 cetăţeni străini, dintre care 46.674 cu permis de şedere temporară şi 10.585 posesori ai unui permis de şedere permanentă.  Principalele ţări de origine ale RTT sunt Republica Moldova, Turcia, China, Siria, Liban, Serbia, Tunisia, Ucraina şi Irak.

Evenimentul va avea loc în Bucuresti, la data de 21 septembrie 2012, între orele 09:00-14:00 , la Hotel Ramada Majestic – Calea Victoriei No. 38-40, Sector 1, Bucureşti.


Răzvan Samoilă,

Manager Proiect  – director Executiv ARCA, tel . 021 252 73 57,

Elena Timofticiuc,

AIDRom – coordonator proiect, tel:, mobil: 0722 804 911,

Prin dialog  vom reuşi împreună!

Proiect finanţat de Uniunea Europeană

Programul General: „Solidaritatea şi gestionarea fluxurilor migratorii”

Contract  nr. ref: IF/11.01-02.01

Written by: Irina Ciotir

Project assistant: Iulian Sandu

Organising assistant:Diana Trifu

Photos by: Alireza 

Assistance and facilities for asylum seekers in Romania

Year: 2012-2015

Title:  Assistance and tailored services for asylum seekers in Romania.  A model for empowering asylum seekers and improving their life standards.

Project applicant: AidRom – The Ecumenical Association of Churches in Romania

Project partner : ARCA- Romanian Forum for Refugees and Migrants

Sponsor: The European Commission and The General Inspectorate for Immigration

General Programme: “Solidarity and management of the migratory flows.” European Fund for the refugees, Annual Program 2012

The main objective of the project is to improve the living standards of asylum seekers in Romania by tackling a new approach in their relationship with the host society. The project puts forward  a new model of tailored assistance and services to address the basic needs of asylum seekers in Romania. Activities cover  social counseling and assistance and limited financial assistance to vulnerable groups including access to healthcare and education. Romanian language classes as well as cultural activities are organized in the reception centers in Romania.

Click on the video to find out more about the project


EU Resettlement « Look and Learn » Visit 11 – 14 June, Copenhagen, Denmark

By Irina Cojocariu 

Legal counsellor

With the goal of completing the Common European Asylum System by the end of 2012, Denmark is encouraged to build on this momentum by taking the EU agenda forward during its EU Presidency. The Danish Presidency of the European Union offers an excellent opportunity to showcase the country’s longstanding experiences and developed practices in refugee resettlement. Denmark has operated a resettlement programme of 500 persons per year since 1978 implementing the programme through solid partnerships between government, municipalities and NGOs.

From June 11-14 2012, ICMC Europe, together with the Danish Immigration Service, Danish Refugee Council and the Danish municipalities of Faxe and Fåborg-Midtfyn, organised a 4-day ‘look and learn’ visit to Denmark for participants from new and emerging resettlement countries.

The programme guided participants through the two main components of the ‘internal cuisine’ of the Danish resettlement programme – from resettlement quota modeling and management, to the partnerships and innovative practice that shape the implementation of resettlement programmes at the local level in Denmark.

In order to see full report …. click  here.. Continue reading

ARCA’s First educational programme for children

Report on ARCA – FRRM’s first educational programme for children on the topics of asylum and human rights 

by Lucia Mădălina ROMAN

Starting late April 2012, ARCA – Romanian Forum for Refugees and Migrants (ARCA – FRRM) expanded its array of activities in support of migrants and refugees’ integration into the Romanian society with a two months pilot project aimed at raising awareness about our beneficiaries’ situation among the Romanian youth; in particular, to foster the feeling of tolerance and respect towards diversity. Our implementation partner was School no 177 “Nicolae Grigorescu” represented by Ms.  Emilia Roșu – the school’s coordinator for projects and programmes. For eight sessions, our facilitators worked with a class of 24 pupils aged 12, with a mixed social-economic background, teaching them about notions such as persecution or asylum with the use of non-formal education tools.

This report consists of short descriptions of each session, with details on the topics discussed and the methods that were used. The course was coordinated by  Lucia Mădălina Roman from ARCA’s staff, and implemented with the help of its volunteers, Andreea Anastasiu and Larisa Pătrascu.

A close up of our art project for the International Refugee Day

For full report, please click on read more… 

Continue reading

Report on the World Refugee Day event Bucharest, 21st of June 2012

 World Refugee Day event

 Bucharest, 21st of June 2012

On the 21st of June, 2012 ARCA – Romanian Forum for Refugees and Migrants has marked the World Refugee Day with an event organized jointly with Parada Foundation starting at 8p.m. to 2 a.m.

The event was held on the premises of the LA SCENA pub in Bucharest and featured a multicultural food festival offering worldwide twists of traditional dishes specially prepared by the refugees themselves and two live concerts performed by two of our most talented refugee artists, Johnny King and Mbela Nzuzi

The event was attended by approximately 100 people, including more than 40 refugees from Africa, the Middle East, and South Asia, members of the local civil society, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees- Representation in Romania, two immigration representatives from the Australian government and the NGO sector respectively, as well as members of the Romanian community.

During the six-hours celebration, the eclectic audience benefited from a great opportunity not only to celebrate the diversity of cultures and experiences that refugees bring to our community and to share compelling stories, but more importantly to build cultural bridges and foster relationship building between the Romanian and the refugee community

Opening the evening, organizers thanked all participants for contributing to the Refugee Day event and introduced Parada’s Foundation director who briefed participants on the profile of the organization and presented its most recent project called ARCKA – Assessing, recognizing competences and certifying knowledge acquisition valuing human capital of children of foreign origin in education and training in Europe.Discussion was mostly focused on the guidelines and recommendations made to promote migrant students wellbeing and learning achievement and to involve parents in cooperative actions to support children education.

Shortly after the presentation, enthusiastic food lovers of all stripes started off the food tasting seamlessly blending the traditional African, Middle Eastern and South Asian cuisines. Lured into the food corner, guests nibbled on African foods topped by saffron rice with raisins and cashews along with an African Chicken Stew, Middle Eastern dishes with a nod towards the dolma _ Iraqi –style Style stuffed Grape leaves . Tabouleh saladArabic Stuffed Pancakes and many others. The South Asian cuisine was masterfully represented by Butter Chicken Curry simmered in delightfully tasty gravy and spices.  The Iranian cuisine completed the feast with Ghormeh Sabzi, delicious unique savory dish loaded with green flavors to the delight and amazement of all attendees.

A short informal mingling session followed after dinner creatinga funandrelaxed mood as Johnny King’s live concert started. Engaging the full-house crowd from his band’s first note, guests danced their way through a colorful collection of songs rooted in the reggae beats from Johnny King’s most recently released album No stress. 

The evening wrapped on a high point with a vigorous and touching live performance by Mbela. A fusion of African rhythms blended in songs imbued with a strong message of unity and peace. Together with King and his band, Mbela continued her live performance enlivening classic reggae songs with the velvet timbres of her voice, emotive phrasings and sheer enthusiasm for singing.

The wonderful time spent together with our guests on the World Refugee Day demonstrated that by sheer enthusiasm and commitment, with very little money, great events can be wrought by a dedicated team. Based on our guests’ feedback, the event was viewed as a great success marking a milestone event in the long series of events dedicated to the World Refugee day from previous years.

Ioana Pal

Integration coordinator 


Designer & blogs staff

* Background of First photo (article head cover) is Cyrus Cylinder at British Museum, first chapter of Human rights written by Cyrus the Great 539 BC